Yiddish Dance Links

Here are some annotated links that seem useful. Please add/edit as seems useful. It is most helpful to annotate links so that others know why they were included/what lies beyond when the link is clicked.

Center for Traditional Music and Dance--Pete's organization. Sponsors of the Yiddish Dance Symposium and an important resource.

Helen's Yiddish Dance Page--the place for information and links to videos, primary resources. Actively maintained by Helen Winkler.

National Yiddish Book Center--Once the center for gathering in "unwanted" Yiddish books, the NYBC is now actively promoting Yiddish language and culture and is the home of many relevant innovative programs.

The KlezmerShack--Doesn't often cover Yiddish dance per se, but the calendar often lists events around the country that feature Yiddish dance. You can add events to the calendar by sending email to Ari Davidow. Be sure to include the usual who-what-when-where, and if you have an image that will look good in tiny calendar sizes, a picture. If your organization regularly sponsors/holds events, it is helpful to help publicize that fact by also sending in a listing about the organization for listing on the KlezmerShack "organizations" page.

KlezCamp--Often features Yiddish Dance. Along with KlezKanada and Weimar (below), one of the few annual workshops that focuses on Yiddish Dance.

KlezKanada--Similar to KlezCamp in featuring some Yiddish Dance.

Yiddish Summer/Winter Weimar--Perhaps the most advanced Yiddish Dance program. Last year Eric Bendix put together a Yiddish Dance tape at this event. It is considered still "needing refinement" but the DVD and booklet are available. Contact Eric Bendix for details.

www.jbriningber.com--On Judith's website there are articles she's written, historic photos and bibliography about Jewish dance information she keeps updated. Article about Felix Fibich from her forthcoming book "Perspectives on Israeli and Jewish Dance" appears on the site.